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Serious Sports Injuries of Judoka in Japan, Including ACL injury, Head Injury, and Unconsciousness Via Shime-Waza
The Effectiveness of Tactical Actions on the Offensive System of Male Elite Judo Athletes in Olympic Tournaments
Proximal Humerus Epiphysiolysis in a Judo Athlete: A Case With a Biomechanical Study
VO2max Development in Children and Adolescents And its Importance in Judo
Characteristics of Severe Judo-Related Neck Injuries in Japan
Loss of Consciousness in Judo Similarities and Differences Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Choking Techniques (Shime-Waza)
The Impact of the Covid Pandemic on the Injury Rate at Europe’s Top Level Judo Tournaments
Judo for Neurofibromatosis: Coping with a chronic disease with physical, cognitive and behavioural difficulties
Views: 643
The Arts and Sciences of Judo,
Vol. 3 No. 1 Original scientific paper (2023)
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