IJF Academy Rules




Coaching Certification


  1. Only the International Judo Federation (IJF) and National Federations affiliated with the IJF can nominate students to IJF Academy (procedure described above).

  2. Every student must have a personal email address that will be used throughout the entire course period. It is suggested that a new GMAIL account is created for this purpose - https://accounts.google.com/signup.

  3. A first Aid certificate is required before the final certificate for Level 1 and UCJI is issued.

  4. In case you need to change the email address which you are using, contact academy@ijf.org to reset your email address.

  5. The platform is able to handle different languages. The students can select their choice of language at the beginning, but they can switch to the available languages during the course at any time.

  6. The students are required to complete their USER PROFILE in the platform immediately after registration to provide all the data in the USER PROFILE section.

  7. The students must upload a passport-type photo and a scanned copy of their national ID or passport when signing up to the platform.

  8. Students can follow the study material on the platform or this can be downloaded. No material is sent in any other way.

  9. Trial Tests open every Wednesday at midnight (Coordinated Univeral Time) and offer a maximum of 5 attempts for testing knowledge and preparation for the Weekly Test. These Trial Tests are for practising purposes only! Their results will not affect the final result of the student.

  10. Weekly Tests (camera examination) open every Saturday at midnight (Coordinated Univeral Time) and will remain open until the last day of the semester. The student is allowed a maximum of 3 attempts. Every student should achieve a minimum 60% grade in any of the 3 attempts. Students must follow the Monitoring phase rules during the semester. Such information is included in the semester schedule (Week-by-weel schedule PDF document) that is sent to all students by email on the first day of the semester.

  11. A student will not be invited for the Final Examination and Assessment unless he or she reaches 60% in all indicated modules.

  12. Students can monitor their progress and results by downloading their status by clicking on the “Online Results” button in the section of “Your Courses” on the platform.

  13. The IJF Academy management will not notify the students about their progress and missing Weekly Tests (camera examinations), as this must be managed by the students.

  14. The semester closes according to the set and published schedule of the relevant course (Week-by-weel schedule PDF document). The last week is reserved for the missing Weekly Tests.

  15. Students who for valid reasons (confirmed by the National Federation) do not manage to obtain 60% in all modules will be able to complete the missing modules only in the upcoming semester to qualify for the Final Examination and Assessment.

  16. Applications to attend the Final Examination and Assessment must be endorsed by the student's National Federation.

  17. In case the student, for valid reasons, cannot achieve 60% in all related theoretical modules, the IJF Academy has the facility to organise this exam remotely after the student satisfies this requirement.

  18. In case a student cannot successfully complete a part of the Final Examination and Assessment due to valid reasons, their National Federation can ask for permission from the IJF Academy for the student to be invited again in the next Final Examination and Assessment to complete the missing part.

  19. In case of situations arising not covered in these rules, the IJF Academy Management and the IJF reserve the right to take appropriate decisions and actions they deem suitable.