Ethics policy


The policy of the IJF Academy is to require employees to follow ethical principles as set out in the Code of Ethics in pursuit of IJF’s academy vision and mission.

Governing principles

1. This procedure applies to employees, contractors, consultant, agents and volunteers, collectively referred to as “employees and others”.

2. Learning Environment: all employees and others are personally responsible for ensuring the highest possible quality of learning environment by committing to:

  • Respect for the personal dignity of each member regardless of position or employment.
  • Awareness and responsibility for the influence they may have on the physical social and psychological well-being of other members.
  • Integrity in interpersonal relationships that affect IJF academy and its employees and students.
  • Responsible leadership.
  • Responsibility to society for the validity of the learning experience at IJF academy.

3. Intimate Relationships

  • Employees and others shall not engage in any sexual activity or intimate conduct with any student over whom they have influence or could be perceived to have influence.

4. The consequences of breaching the governing principles may include:

  • Dismissal from the IJF Academy.
  • Any deemed corrective action according to Maltese and/or European law.

5. Business Environment – Employees and others shall not use their authority or office for personal gain since IJF Academy is also registered as a voluntary organisation. Employees and others should uphold the IJF Academy reputation by:

  • Maintaining a high standard of integrity in all their business relationships such that their honesty, impartiality and propriety are clearly evident and cannot be questioned.
  • Fostering the highest possible standard of professional competence both personally and for those to whom they are responsible.
  • Adhering to proper business practice at all times and reporting improper practice when detected.
  • Complying with all IJF’s policies and procedures.

6. The European Human Rights Policy applies to this Ethics Policy and procedure.


  • Learners will take responsibility for their own learning. Learners will know and honour their obligations towards IJF Academy by making themselves familiar with the IJF Academy website and their chosen course.  During any practical sessions (if any) they have to respect the rules and regulations including the safety, well-being of themselves and others.
  • Learners shall also respect the diversity of students and the human rights policy applies to avoid discrimination at all times.
  • Learners shall also act with honesty, integrity and fairness in all theoretical and practical work as much is assessment methods.
  • If learners make use of Social Media they should do so in a responsible manner for the benefit of themselves and IJF Academy.
  • Learners are to refrain from taking any advantage of their relationships with the lecturers or any administrative staff.
  • Learners are to refer any issues to the competent IJF Academy management or any other competent authorities as deemed fit in the issue.  Feedback to the IJF Academy should be given in a constructive manner.
  • Learners cannot disclose any confidential information which belongs to IJF Academy within the parameters allowed by legislators.