Journal chapter
Gender and Perspectives on Training and Techniques: Analyses of the System of Attacks in Standing up Position
Importance of Neck Muscle Strength in Resisting Neck Extension During Backwards Ukemi
The Judo Moral Code or the Western “Re-Japanisation” of Modern Judo
Development of Judo Research The History of the Scientific Method
High-Intensity Interval Training in Judo Uchi-komi Fundamentals and Practical Recommendations
Impact of Foot Deformation on Balance of Young Judoka
Comparison of Unsuccessfully Performed Throwing Techniques Between Male and Female Judo Competitors
The Contribution of Judo to the Development of Key Cognitive Skills Needed in Contemporary Society
Suwari Seoi Safety From Children Dojo to High Level Competition
Validity of competitive judo performance Collective insights from the Japanese judo coaching community
Judo Technique - Application of Judo in Different Situations Through a Prism of Emotion Regulator
Application of Kodokan Classified Judo Techniques in Shiai
Arts and Sciences of Kuatsu A Review of the Historical and Medical Researches
Judo Education: The formation of the IJF Academy
Prevention of Injuries Through the Teaching of Judo-Based Falls
Kinematic Comparison of the Seoi-Nage Technique Between Top-Elite and Sub-Elite Judo Athletes
Judo Combat: Time-Motion Analysis and Biomechanical Approach
Table of contents
Views: 832
The Arts and Sciences of Judo,
Vol. 1 No. 1 Original scientific paper (2021)