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Learning Outcomes of the Course
The Level 1 Instructor course is intended to train coaches for effective work with youth and beginner athletes. The Instructor syllabus emphasizes theoretical subjects and the practical skills of coaching. At the same time, the Instructor course provides a theoretical base which is sufficient to allow Instructors to continue learning, either through their own efforts or within the structure of the Academy. To make the most efficient use of resources, the Instructor Theoretical Courses will be conducted online over a period of 11 weeks. The 1 week practical will be held at various locations using IJF tutors and standard course materials
Course Content
1. Coaching Principles I (Growth and Development)
2. Psychology of Sport
3. Application of Judo
4. Culture of Judo I
5. History of Judo I
6. Role of the Instructor
7. Exercise Physiology I
8. Nutrition and hydration I
9. Safety I
10. Training Methodology I
11. Judo organizations I
12. Refereeing Rules I
13. Classification of Judo